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Customer Blog2018-02-08T08:43:08-08:00

Sauteed chicken breasts with leek, mushroom and cream sauce

Cream makes everything fancy--and delicious. Here's an elegant and easy answer to the question: what should I do with chicken breasts? Served here with grilled asparagus and apple sauerkraut. Ingredients: Chicken breasts 1/4 c. of [...]

By |April 29th, 2018|Categories: Amelie’s Kitchen, Recipes|0 Comments

Beets can’t be beat: Golden beets and radish sprout salad

The trick with beets is to throw them in the oven when you’re cooking something else. Let them cool when they are done and put them in the fridge where they will patiently wait for [...]

By |March 25th, 2018|Categories: Amelie’s Kitchen, Recipes|0 Comments

Amélie’s kitchen: Super Simple Sides–Brussels sprouts

Amélie’s Kitchen Brussels sprouts are the culinary cool kids, and they deserve to be. They look so pretty and taste so sweet when you finish cooking them in a hot oven or on the barbecue. [...]

By |March 10th, 2018|Categories: Amelie’s Kitchen, Recipes|0 Comments
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